Benefiting from Compulsory Lockdown
Other than allowing the time to review our own past life — it presents a never-before opportunity to imagine a more fulfilling future.
Here are some useful ideas to spend a day under lockdown.
1. Meditation, Breathing & Yoga ( for Mental & Physical Health) — 1 Hour
The least complicated of this is the breathing exercises — simply watch your breath for 20 min as you inhale and exhale. You need not sit in a lotus position to meditate — the idea is to concentrate — whatever it is — an object, idea or a reckless and unstructured thought. As long as you can experience the pleasure of driving while sitting at home — you have meditated without even knowing a thing about meditation. The Surya Namaskar — a part of Yoga, is a complete indoor body exercise suitable for all ages and all health conditions. Start with 5 sets.
2. Reading Bible, Gita & Koran ( for Empathy & Spiritual Health) — 20 Min to 1 Hour
Discover the basic tenets of your faith. Make a 10 point list of its key teachings. Better still read all three to discover the common foundational principles of other faiths and religions and be prepared to be surprised.
If you don’t want to believe in your religious texts read “The Selfish Gene” by Richard Dawkins. Summary available online — Google.
3. Reading One Fiction and One Non-Fiction Book ( for Intellectual Health) — 1Hour to 2 Hour
The average reading speed ( both online and in print) is 200 words per minute and there are approximately 500 words on a page. A 200 page book should take (500X200)/200=500 minutes( 8 to 10 hours) to read. Thus over 7 days ( assuming you start today) you could easily read 2 books ( 7 hours to 14 hours). Google “Top 10 Books to read before you die” and choose 2.
4. Watching Films ( for Entertainment) — 2 Hours to 3 Hours
There are several sites that allow free viewing of films if you do not have NetFlix or Amazon Prime or DSTV. Many classical movies are also available on YouTube for free. Make a list of Top 10 Films Ever produced and watch them one-by-one
5. Cooking ( for pleasure) — 30 Min
Make a sandwich, a pasta or simply boil instant noodles if you think making omelette is a challenge. Cook or participate in a cooking session ( provided your spouse or children allow you such liberty) in all three meals of the day.
6. Learning & Teaching ( for Intellectual Stimulation) — 30Min
Artificial Intelligence/ Mathematics/ Argumentation / Philosophy / Economics. If you have a school going kid — teach him or her mathematics and science. Read a book at night.
7. Playing ( for Entertainment) — 30 Min
Chess( Indian & Western) and Go(Chinese/ Asian) if you like to engage your mind or else tic -tac-toe and angry birds for sheer pleasure. Sing/Dance/Play an instrument
8. Calling friends (for Nurturing Relationships) — 30min to 1 hour
Make a list of friends/relatives that you have not called for the last 10 years. Call at least 10 of them in alphabetical order.
9. Eating ( for Keeping in Good health) — 30 Min
Take time to cook healthy food, appreciate the odour, aroma and the visual experience. Drink red wine — it is both cheaper and healthier than most other drinks.
10. Sleeping ( for Dreaming) — 8 Hours
Nothing beats the joy of sleeping without having the pressure to wake up and go to work in the morning. Human beings were made to eat and sleep and procreate and wonder… and not work. It is the capitalist class that sold us the ethic and morality of work to be able to create wealth for themselves. Imagine yourself as a modern day horse — carrying the rich man on your back the whole day and enjoying it?
11. Working ( for Pleasure) — 4 Hours
Leave aside the artists who work for pleasure ( there is an artist crying to come out of each one of us though) and those who are caring for us during this lockdown ( the doctors/nurses/administrators/police and essential service providers); for those who like to carry the rich man on his back — there is work. And there is internet. There is also Zoom and Slack and Office365 and you have 8 hours still available. Use 4 of them.